Welcome to our store
The only source of knowledge is experience.
We are here to serve you every single day. At Freeland Ace Hardware, we prioritize service with a smile, a friendly and knowledgeable staff, and a wide selection to meet your every need.
We’re here to help


Ferry Cam

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Contact Us
Located next to Payless Foods in Freeland on Beautiful Whidbey Island
Address: 1609 Main St, Freeland WA 98249
Phone: (360) 331-6799
Monday — Saturday: 8:oo AM to 7:oo PM Sunday: 9:oo AM to 6:oo PM
Stihl Shop: Tues-Sat 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM (closed Sun & Mon)
Stove Shop: Tues-Sat 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM (closed Sun & Mon)